
A Guide to AI in Pharma

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August 22, 2024
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A Guide to AI in Pharma

Innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at a blistering pace. In the 18 months since OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, we've witnessed a proliferation of AI applications in our daily lives and its growing impact in the biopharma industry. 

Today, nearly every technology vendor touts AI features and capabilities. However, many companies have contributed to the confusion surrounding AI through over-inflated claims about their expertise, or "AI washing.” This has only added to the noise around what AI truly is and how it can be effectively utilized.

So, it's understandable why many in the life sciences industry find AI perplexing. We’re here to help. Over the course of the next several weeks, we focus on a series of blogs as a “Guide to AI in Pharma.” 

Let's dive into the world of AI by first defining it and then exploring some of the different AI techniques in use today.

Types of AI in analytics

AI is transforming the biopharma industry, offering significant advantages as organizations integrate it into their daily workflows. Analytics are entrenched across multiple areas of life sciences, from drug discovery and development to commercialization. Data analysts play a crucial role in interpreting historical data to inform decision-making in product development and commercial operations. 

AI has expanded our capabilities beyond human limitations, enabling the analysis of vast amounts of data, faster learning, and more efficient problem-solving. AI can be trained on enormous datasets and applied to various aspects of analytics, including data processing, analysis, and decision-making.

Below are definitions of some increasingly common AI terms and techniques. These tools enable businesses to automate decision-making, identify patterns, and extract insights from large volumes of data, transforming how organizations operate and innovate.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Computer systems that use data science and large datasets to perform tasks like problem-solving and decision-making. It can also refer to augmented intelligence, where machines enhance human capabilities.

Machine Learning (ML): A type of AI where algorithms learn from data to make predictions or decisions. In analytics, ML models identify patterns, make predictions, and automate decision-making. Methods of ML work best with structured data and simpler problems.

Deep Learning (DL): A subset of ML that trains deep neural networks, inspired by the structure and functions of the brain, to learn from large amounts of data. DL is well-suited for complex processing and identifying patterns in unstructured data like images, audio, and text.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): An AI technique that allows computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. It’s used to analyze large amounts of text data, and common for extracting meaningful insights from unstructured data like customer reviews or social media comments.

Generative AI (GenAI): AI that creates new content such as text, images, audio, or video based on user prompts or instructions.

Large Language Models (LLMs): A type of AI that uses deep learning techniques to understand and interact with human language. LLMs may be considered as a form of GenAI due to its ability to generate text. However LLMs can also be more broadly used in complex NLP tasks that extend beyond content creation. In general, LLMs specialize in a variety of language-related tasks.

Computer Vision: An AI technique that enables computers to analyze and understand visual information from images and videos, including object identification and pattern detection.

AI systems are trained to perform tasks like perception, learning, motion, and language processing. These functions are achieved through coded algorithms often involving complex models. AI systems, particularly ML, are unique in their ability to learn patterns from data rather than following predefined rules. 

A simple flowchart showing the different types of AI and how they are connected.

What’s possible today with AI

Science fiction has long envisioned super-intelligent computers that rival or surpass human intelligence. This concept, known as General AI or Strong AI, describes systems that can not only interpret data but also extrapolate information and apply it across diverse fields, much like humans do. Some even speculate that machines one day could become self-aware and sentient.

However, current AI technology is far from this level of sophistication. We remain uncertain whether machines will ever truly reason, think, learn, perceive, move, and feel as humans do. General AI and Strong AI remain firmly in the realm of science fiction.

Today's discussions around AI typically refer to narrow AI—systems designed to address specific problems within defined domains that humans struggle to do on their own. Narrow AI is the most common application of AI technology today. Crucially, it relies on human training and input for its development and functionality. 

Data science vs. machine learning

Data science is a multidisciplinary field that extracts insights from data using various techniques, including statistical analysis, data mining, and ML. 

ML focuses on training algorithms to learn patterns in any data—from structured data such as numerical or categorical data to unstructured data like text, images, and audio—and make predictions based on its learning, rather than following explicit human instructions.

Just like there are multiple AI techniques, there are several types of ML that can be trained using a variety of algorithms, including decision trees, random forests, and neural networks. Here are the main types of ML approaches:

Supervised learning: Uses labeled data examples of the correct behavior to learn patterns. Clear labeling allows for predictive outcomes and more explainability about the results.

Example: An email spam filter is trained on a dataset of emails. Each is labeled as “spam” or “not spam” so the system can learn patterns to predict whether new incoming emails are spam. In this scenario, the model may learn to look for words like win, trial, or free due to their high prevalence in spam emails. The system will use this knowledge to filter future emails.

Unsupervised learning: Uses unlabeled data and is tasked with identifying patterns on its own. It can identify hidden patterns or intrinsic structures in the data, but the lack of labels reduces the explainability of the results.

Example: A system is given unlabeled customer transaction data and is required to find patterns. Customers may be clustered by similar purchasing behaviors such as baby products without the system having any prior indication of these customers having infants.

Reinforcement Learning: Trains algorithms to make decisions by maximizing a reward signal through trial and error. It can automate decision-making in complex systems like game playing, robotics, or resource management.

Example: When training a robot to navigate a maze, the robot learns the optimal pathway over time by maximizing the number of rewards it receives for correct moves.

Venn Diagram comparing Deep Learning, to Data Science, to Machine Learning.
ML is a key technique used in data science with a lot of overlap.

Data science and ML are interconnected, with ML serving as a key technique in data science. However, data science extends beyond ML, covering the entire data lifecycle from data collection and cleaning to analysis and visualization.

Rules-based analytics vs. AI

The main difference between rules-based analytics and true AI lies in their problem-solving approach.

Rules-based analytics is the traditional method of data analysis. It involves creating predefined rules or algorithms to analyze data and make decisions. Human experts with a deep understanding of the data identify patterns and formulate rules based on those patterns. Once rules are established, the system automates decision-making based on these predetermined instructions.

In contrast, true AI involves using algorithms and models to analyze data, identify patterns, and learn from data without explicit rules. AI systems can adapt to new data and changing situations by recognizing new patterns and modifying their outputs without human intervention, improving their decision-making capabilities over time. Rules-based systems, however, are constrained by their predetermined rules and require manual effort to change.

Data Analytics vs. Predictive and Prescriptive AI 

Data analytics and predictive and prescriptive AI are both tools for extracting insights from data, but can differ in their focus and methodologies. 

Data Analytics is an umbrella term that encompasses various techniques to comprehensively understand and interpret data. As a discipline, it includes descriptive analytics, which examines past events; diagnostic analytics that investigates why past events occurred; predictive analytics that aims to forecast future outcomes based on historical events; and prescriptive analytics that recommends actions to achieve desired outcomes based on historical data and predictions.

Predictive and Prescriptive AI are specialized subsets of predictive and prescriptive analytics that focus on employing ML to make future predictions and recommend actions to achieve desired outcomes. While these fall under the umbrella of predictive and prescriptive analytics, they require specialized expertise in ML and data modeling.

The key distinction between data analytics and predictive and prescriptive AI lies in the desired objective and methodology employed to achieve it. Data analytics aims to understand and interpret data while predictive and prescriptive AI are specialized techniques that fall under the umbrella of data analytics. AI requires specialized expertise in ML and data modelling and can be used to attain specific goals.  

Endless possibilities with AI

The world of AI is nuanced and complex. Hopefully, after reading this, you have more confidence to speak to the different types of AI such as ML, and better understand how data science and analytics compare.

In our next blog, we discuss the importance of data, accuracy, and developing ethical AI solutions.

ODAIA helps commercial teams spend less time analyzing data, and more time engaging with the right customers.

Physician sitting at desk doing research.

Simone Oliveira

Product Marketing Manager
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A Guide to AI in Pharma

Written by
Simone Oliveira
Published on
August 22, 2024

Innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at a blistering pace. In the 18 months since OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, we've witnessed a proliferation of AI applications in our daily lives and its growing impact in the biopharma industry. 

Today, nearly every technology vendor touts AI features and capabilities. However, many companies have contributed to the confusion surrounding AI through over-inflated claims about their expertise, or "AI washing.” This has only added to the noise around what AI truly is and how it can be effectively utilized.

So, it's understandable why many in the life sciences industry find AI perplexing. We’re here to help. Over the course of the next several weeks, we focus on a series of blogs as a “Guide to AI in Pharma.” 

Let's dive into the world of AI by first defining it and then exploring some of the different AI techniques in use today.

Types of AI in analytics

AI is transforming the biopharma industry, offering significant advantages as organizations integrate it into their daily workflows. Analytics are entrenched across multiple areas of life sciences, from drug discovery and development to commercialization. Data analysts play a crucial role in interpreting historical data to inform decision-making in product development and commercial operations. 

AI has expanded our capabilities beyond human limitations, enabling the analysis of vast amounts of data, faster learning, and more efficient problem-solving. AI can be trained on enormous datasets and applied to various aspects of analytics, including data processing, analysis, and decision-making.

Below are definitions of some increasingly common AI terms and techniques. These tools enable businesses to automate decision-making, identify patterns, and extract insights from large volumes of data, transforming how organizations operate and innovate.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Computer systems that use data science and large datasets to perform tasks like problem-solving and decision-making. It can also refer to augmented intelligence, where machines enhance human capabilities.

Machine Learning (ML): A type of AI where algorithms learn from data to make predictions or decisions. In analytics, ML models identify patterns, make predictions, and automate decision-making. Methods of ML work best with structured data and simpler problems.

Deep Learning (DL): A subset of ML that trains deep neural networks, inspired by the structure and functions of the brain, to learn from large amounts of data. DL is well-suited for complex processing and identifying patterns in unstructured data like images, audio, and text.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): An AI technique that allows computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. It’s used to analyze large amounts of text data, and common for extracting meaningful insights from unstructured data like customer reviews or social media comments.

Generative AI (GenAI): AI that creates new content such as text, images, audio, or video based on user prompts or instructions.

Large Language Models (LLMs): A type of AI that uses deep learning techniques to understand and interact with human language. LLMs may be considered as a form of GenAI due to its ability to generate text. However LLMs can also be more broadly used in complex NLP tasks that extend beyond content creation. In general, LLMs specialize in a variety of language-related tasks.

Computer Vision: An AI technique that enables computers to analyze and understand visual information from images and videos, including object identification and pattern detection.

AI systems are trained to perform tasks like perception, learning, motion, and language processing. These functions are achieved through coded algorithms often involving complex models. AI systems, particularly ML, are unique in their ability to learn patterns from data rather than following predefined rules. 

A simple flowchart showing the different types of AI and how they are connected.

What’s possible today with AI

Science fiction has long envisioned super-intelligent computers that rival or surpass human intelligence. This concept, known as General AI or Strong AI, describes systems that can not only interpret data but also extrapolate information and apply it across diverse fields, much like humans do. Some even speculate that machines one day could become self-aware and sentient.

However, current AI technology is far from this level of sophistication. We remain uncertain whether machines will ever truly reason, think, learn, perceive, move, and feel as humans do. General AI and Strong AI remain firmly in the realm of science fiction.

Today's discussions around AI typically refer to narrow AI—systems designed to address specific problems within defined domains that humans struggle to do on their own. Narrow AI is the most common application of AI technology today. Crucially, it relies on human training and input for its development and functionality. 

Data science vs. machine learning

Data science is a multidisciplinary field that extracts insights from data using various techniques, including statistical analysis, data mining, and ML. 

ML focuses on training algorithms to learn patterns in any data—from structured data such as numerical or categorical data to unstructured data like text, images, and audio—and make predictions based on its learning, rather than following explicit human instructions.

Just like there are multiple AI techniques, there are several types of ML that can be trained using a variety of algorithms, including decision trees, random forests, and neural networks. Here are the main types of ML approaches:

Supervised learning: Uses labeled data examples of the correct behavior to learn patterns. Clear labeling allows for predictive outcomes and more explainability about the results.

Example: An email spam filter is trained on a dataset of emails. Each is labeled as “spam” or “not spam” so the system can learn patterns to predict whether new incoming emails are spam. In this scenario, the model may learn to look for words like win, trial, or free due to their high prevalence in spam emails. The system will use this knowledge to filter future emails.

Unsupervised learning: Uses unlabeled data and is tasked with identifying patterns on its own. It can identify hidden patterns or intrinsic structures in the data, but the lack of labels reduces the explainability of the results.

Example: A system is given unlabeled customer transaction data and is required to find patterns. Customers may be clustered by similar purchasing behaviors such as baby products without the system having any prior indication of these customers having infants.

Reinforcement Learning: Trains algorithms to make decisions by maximizing a reward signal through trial and error. It can automate decision-making in complex systems like game playing, robotics, or resource management.

Example: When training a robot to navigate a maze, the robot learns the optimal pathway over time by maximizing the number of rewards it receives for correct moves.

Venn Diagram comparing Deep Learning, to Data Science, to Machine Learning.
ML is a key technique used in data science with a lot of overlap.

Data science and ML are interconnected, with ML serving as a key technique in data science. However, data science extends beyond ML, covering the entire data lifecycle from data collection and cleaning to analysis and visualization.

Rules-based analytics vs. AI

The main difference between rules-based analytics and true AI lies in their problem-solving approach.

Rules-based analytics is the traditional method of data analysis. It involves creating predefined rules or algorithms to analyze data and make decisions. Human experts with a deep understanding of the data identify patterns and formulate rules based on those patterns. Once rules are established, the system automates decision-making based on these predetermined instructions.

In contrast, true AI involves using algorithms and models to analyze data, identify patterns, and learn from data without explicit rules. AI systems can adapt to new data and changing situations by recognizing new patterns and modifying their outputs without human intervention, improving their decision-making capabilities over time. Rules-based systems, however, are constrained by their predetermined rules and require manual effort to change.

Data Analytics vs. Predictive and Prescriptive AI 

Data analytics and predictive and prescriptive AI are both tools for extracting insights from data, but can differ in their focus and methodologies. 

Data Analytics is an umbrella term that encompasses various techniques to comprehensively understand and interpret data. As a discipline, it includes descriptive analytics, which examines past events; diagnostic analytics that investigates why past events occurred; predictive analytics that aims to forecast future outcomes based on historical events; and prescriptive analytics that recommends actions to achieve desired outcomes based on historical data and predictions.

Predictive and Prescriptive AI are specialized subsets of predictive and prescriptive analytics that focus on employing ML to make future predictions and recommend actions to achieve desired outcomes. While these fall under the umbrella of predictive and prescriptive analytics, they require specialized expertise in ML and data modeling.

The key distinction between data analytics and predictive and prescriptive AI lies in the desired objective and methodology employed to achieve it. Data analytics aims to understand and interpret data while predictive and prescriptive AI are specialized techniques that fall under the umbrella of data analytics. AI requires specialized expertise in ML and data modelling and can be used to attain specific goals.  

Endless possibilities with AI

The world of AI is nuanced and complex. Hopefully, after reading this, you have more confidence to speak to the different types of AI such as ML, and better understand how data science and analytics compare.

In our next blog, we discuss the importance of data, accuracy, and developing ethical AI solutions.

ODAIA helps commercial teams spend less time analyzing data, and more time engaging with the right customers.

Physician sitting at desk doing research.

Simone Oliveira

Product Marketing Manager

Simone Oliveira

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